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In his message for the concert programme, Prime Minister Lee said:

“While it is important that we put bread to the table, man does not live by bread alone. Our nation would be soul-less without an appreciation of arts and culture.

“Our founding fathers believed a symphony orchestra would enrich our culture and show the world that Singapore aimed to be a gracious society.

“Forty years on, the SSO is a fixture in our cultural firmament. When it performs to standing... See More

In his message for the concert programme, Prime Minister Lee said:

“While it is important that we put bread to the table, man does not live by bread alone. Our nation would be soul-less without an appreciation of arts and culture.

“Our founding fathers believed a symphony orchestra would enrich our culture and show the world that Singapore aimed to be a gracious society.

“Forty years on, the SSO is a fixture in our cultural firmament. When it performs to standing ovations and critical acclaim in major venues like the BBC Proms, the Berlin Philharmonie and the Prague Spring Festival, it is cause for pride and celebration. The SSO continues to bring joy to Singaporeans from all walks of life, making sure that its music is not just enjoyed by a select few.”

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