17 Jun 2017
6:30pm - 10pm
Indulge in an evening of piano music
with Pianovers over dinner!
Grand Piano / Mini-Recital / Main-Course Dinner / Free-flow drinks
Speaker Sharing / Recital Showcase / Piano Lovers
Play on a Grand Piano

Be one of the privileged few to play on a grand piano in the beautiful environs of a contemporary restaurant. Let your fingers do the dancing on the ivory keys of a white Steinway-designed Essex in cool, airconditioned comfort and good acoustics.
Mini-Recital by Pianovers

Showcase your musical talent and amaze the impressionable audience. Bring fellow Pianovers on an unforgettable musical serenade. Pre-book your slot and await the grand day! Relive and share the memorable moments on stage when we publish your performances.
Speaker Sharing

Deepen your knowledge of the piano and receive insights into various musical topics. Learn about interesting offerings that may complement your piano-related passion or career.
Recital Showcase

Sit back during a relaxing evening, enjoy a piano recital, and appreciate the talents of a musical performer. You may also be the first to witness the performance of a promising, upcoming piano artist!
Make New Friends

Come share the gift of music with like-minded people today! The piano community has a place for you.
Time | Activity |
6:30pm | Welcome and Introduction. |
7pm | Mini-Recital. |
8pm | Dinner is served. Speaker Sharing. |
8:30pm | Recital Showcase. |
9pm | Open jamming, and Socialising. |
10pm | End of Event. |
*Free-flow drinks from 6:30pm onwards. |
Pianovers Hours #1 Digest

17 June 2017 marked a major milestone for ThePiano.SG. On this beautiful Saturday evening, Pianovers came together at Clarke Quay for what would be the inaugural Pianovers Hours. Taking on a very apt slogan “Indulge in an evening of piano music with Pianovers over dinner”, Pianovers Hours brings Pianovers Meetups to a whole new level, while allowing Pianovers to enjoy music and mingle over dinner in a cosy environment.