Kawai BL31 K711001

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Piano Price: 

A nicely maintain piano that has been with me for 9 years (as you can see from the picture everything is as good as new)
Purchase Date: July 2011
Reasons for selling: Do not have a luxury of time to learn and play piano due to adulting.
Last tuning session was around 2015.

Comes with:
1) "Cristofori" Piano Cover - 3/4 Length (Velvet)
2) Adjustable Open Stool XY-A301SZ - EP
3) Keyboard Felt Cover
4) Pedal Socks - Velvet
5) Piano Heater - 25W

Wish to give this Piano a second chance for a keen Pianist to learn and play it.

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Piano Tuning
Get a Piano Tuner

With People's Association as one of our valued Clients, we continue to offer the best piano tuning services in Singapore. Regular piano tunings also help to build string "strength". So, a litte investment at the start can go a long way. Beware, corrective treatments due to a long interval since the last tuning can be very expensive.