Pianovers Meetup #114

Updated 5 years 5 months ago · Taken at The URA Centre
Pianovers Meetup #114, Ellie Yang, and Genelle
Pianovers Meetup #114, Erika, and Cherlyn
Pianovers Meetup #114, Ellie Yang, and Genelle's sister
Pianovers Meetup #114, Irene and Zafri
Pianovers Meetup #114, William and Ellie Yang
Pianovers Meetup #114, Zafri
Pianovers Meetup #114, Genelle, and Ellie Yang playing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Insides of piano
Pianovers Meetup #114, Sng Yong Meng sharing with us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Genelle, Ellie Yang, and Sng Yong Meng
Pianovers Meetup #114, Hong Ghee
Pianovers Meetup #114, Giselle, and John
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gavin Koh sharing with us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gavin Koh performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Pianovers watching performance
Pianovers Meetup #114, Hong Ghee doing homework
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gavin Koh performing for us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Emmy Koh performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Pek Siew Tin performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Emmy Koh, and Gavin Koh
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gregoire Bonnin, and Coralie Hebert
Pianovers Meetup #114, Ellie Yang
Pianovers Meetup #114, Albert Chan performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Sng Yong Meng sharing with us #2
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gavin Koh, and Pei Chun
Pianovers Meetup #114, Giselle performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, John performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, John performing for us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Hong Ghee performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Hong Ghee performing for us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Hong Ghee, and Show Peng performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Ellie Yang performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Ellie Yang and Genelle performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Ellie Yang and Genelle performing for us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Genelle performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Darren Christian performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gavin Koh, and Emmy Koh
Pianovers Meetup #114, Pianovers clapping
Pianovers Meetup #114, Jaden Ng performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Jaden Ng performing for us
Pianovers Meetup #114, May Ling performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, May Ling performing for us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Chloe
Pianovers Meetup #114, Janice Liew performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Isaac, Chloe, and Clara
Pianovers Meetup #114, Sng Yong Meng, and Wee Tiong and his family
Pianovers Meetup #114, Daniel Zhang performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Gregoire Bonnin performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Mayuri Gupta performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Wong Jiaxin, and Susan
Pianovers Meetup #114, Hong Ghee doing homework #2
Pianovers Meetup #114, Chris Khoo sharing with us
Pianovers Meetup #114, Genelle, and her dad
Pianovers Meetup #114, Chris Khoo performing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Group picture
Pianovers Meetup #114, Group picture #2
Pianovers Meetup #114, Piano and fingers
Pianovers Meetup #114, Sng Yong Meng playing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Wong Jiaxin, Susan, Jonathan Lam, and Kylie
Pianovers Meetup #114, Kylie, Jonathan Lam, Susan, and Wong Jiaxin
Pianovers Meetup #114, Kylie, Jonathan Lam, Susan, and Wong Jiaxin jamming
Pianovers Meetup #114, Pianovers connecting
Pianovers Meetup #114, Wong Jiaxin playing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Zafri playing
Pianovers Meetup #114, Darren Christian, Mayuri Gupta, and Phoebe
Pianovers Meetup #114, Susan, and Sng Yong Meng

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