Pieces performed



It's been a superb and incredible journey through the 148 Pianovers Meetups held since 2016.

However, we were challenged to allocate our resources wisely over the last few years, and we have decided to discontinue the weekly Pianovers Meetup indefinitely.

We would like to thank every Pianover for your amazing support, and hope that the moments that we all once shared will continue to warm our hearts and fuel further our passions for the piano and its community, always.

25 Mar 2022

Title Composer(desc) Num of times
友情岁月 陈光荣 1
大海 陈大力 1
小人物的心声 陈天进 2
约定 陈小霞 2
温柔的慈悲 陈小霞 1
愛情 陈崇 1
含泪的微笑 陈彼德 1
最后一夜 陈志远 1
一剪梅 陈怡 2
恭喜恭喜 陈歌辛 (Chen Ge Xin) 9
西湖春 陈歌辛 (Chen Ge Xin) 1
梦中人 陈歌辛 (Chen Ge Xin) 1
渔家女 陈歌辛 (Chen Ge Xin) 1
永远的微笑 陈歌辛 (Chen Ge Xin) 1
偏偏喜欢你 陈百强 5
爱拼才会赢 陈百潭 1
大海 陈秀男 1
第二道彩虹 陈秋霞 1
天天天蓝 陈立鸥 1
忘情水 陈耀川 2
女人花 陈耀川 1
老情歌 陈耀川 1
南海姑娘 陈艺华 1
留恋 陈蝶衣 1
兰花草 陈贤德 2