Pieces performed



It's been a superb and incredible journey through the 148 Pianovers Meetups held since 2016.

However, we were challenged to allocate our resources wisely over the last few years, and we have decided to discontinue the weekly Pianovers Meetup indefinitely.

We would like to thank every Pianover for your amazing support, and hope that the moments that we all once shared will continue to warm our hearts and fuel further our passions for the piano and its community, always.

25 Mar 2022

Title Composer(desc) Num of times
杏花渓之恋 姚敏 1
甜蜜的梦 姚敏 1
花落谁家 姚敏 1
梅花梦 姚敏 1
月下佳人 (The Beauty Under The Moon) 姚敏 1
东山飘雨西山晴 姚敏 1
小小羊儿要回家 姚敏 1
三年 姚敏 2
迎春花 姚敏 3
苏州河边 姚敏 1
落花流水 姚敏 1
我要為你歌唱 姚敏 1
初一到十五 姚敏 1
搖船曲 姚敏 1
诉衷情 姚敏 1
神秘女郎 姚敏 1
爱人是蜜糖 姚敏 1
又是细雨 孙情 1
独角戏 季忠平 1
同花顺 小寒 1
鵜戸参り (无奈) 小川ロン 1
心太软 小虫 1
真情 尔心 1
感谢 屠洪刚 1
可爱的玫瑰花 川口真 1