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Lydian's Two Piano Medley for $1M Prize The World's Best

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5 Reasons Why Hanon Exercises are Useless

Are Hanon exercises really effective at teaching piano students? Below, piano teacher James F. shares five reasons why he believes Hanon exercises...
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3 Reasons Pianists Should Be Playing Hanon Exercises Daily

Hanon exercises: they might not be the most fun, but they can make a big impact on your progress as you’re learning how to play piano! Read on as...
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沒關係鋼琴老師 || LOL 喜劇 Comedies

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Researcher Ordered To Play The Piano For Misappropriating Funds

Music has been known to have the ability to bond people and to provide enjoyment. Not only is music used in festivals to celebrate events, it is also...
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Piano Recital Poster for International Women's Day Gone Wrong

Recently, Morley College in London was planning to put on an event celebrating International Women's Day when it unintentionally caused a public...
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Sergei Rachmaninoff Suffered From Writer's Block

You may have heard of the term writer’s block, which is a well-documented condition that affects some of those who write or compose. You can describe...
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Angelo Villani London Debut Piano Recital - First Half

This recital marked Angelo Villani's return to public concertising after an enforced gap of 22 years, owing to a trapped nerve injury. (Mr Villani...
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The princess who thought she was made of glass

A young princess in 19th-Century ringlets and a flouncy white dress creeps across the stage and eyeballs the audience warily. “I’m of a very delicate...