Pieces performed



It's been a superb and incredible journey through the 148 Pianovers Meetups held since 2016.

However, we were challenged to allocate our resources wisely over the last few years, and we have decided to discontinue the weekly Pianovers Meetup indefinitely.

We would like to thank every Pianover for your amazing support, and hope that the moments that we all once shared will continue to warm our hearts and fuel further our passions for the piano and its community, always.

25 Mar 2022

Title Composer(asc) Num of times
千本桜 (Senbonzakura) 黒うさP (Kurousa-P) 2
夜来香 黎锦光 4
叹十声 黎平 1
帝女花之香夭 黄韵珊 1
晚风 黄霑 1
忘记他 黄霑 1
沧海一声笑 黄霑 1
财神到 黄雅莉 2
花非花 黄自 1
我是痴情无限 黄沾 1
旧梦不须记 黄沾 1
只记今朝笑 黄沾 1
漂向北方 黄明志 2
光辉岁月 黄家驹 1
救姻缘 黄安 1
新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 黄安 1
让我们看云去 黄大城 1
我愿意 黄国伦 3
味道 黄国伦 1
不要对他说 黄国伦 1
欢乐今宵 黄丹仪 1
新不了情 鲍比达 3
起风了 高桥优 2
岷江夜曲 高剑声 (李厚襄) 1
枫叶情 骆明道 1